Notification for intended activities with fumigants

Service Description

Whoever, commercially or independently, in the course of other economic undertakings outside a fixed installation, fumigates with the fumigants:

1. hydrogencyanide (hydrogen cyanide, hydrocyanic acid) and substances and preparations used to evolve or vaporize hydrogencyanide or highly volatile hydrogencyanide compounds,

2. hydrogen phosphide and hydrogen phosphide-evolving substances and preparations,

3. sulfuryl difluoride (sulfuryl fluoride)

4.substances or mixtures that are classified as acutely toxic category 1, 2 or 3 or specifically target organ toxic category 1 and are authorized for these activities

5. biocidal products to which the transitional provisions of Section 28 (8) of the Chemicals Act (ChemG) apply.

shall notify the competent authority in writing or electronically at least 1 week in advance, or 24 hours in advance in the case of ship fumigation. The competent authority may allow exceptions to this notification period in justified cases.

A 24-hour notification period is sufficient for fumigation of transport units staged for export at a rail terminal or other handling facility. Transportation units are vehicles, rail cars, containers, tanks, or other shipping containers in which fumigation occurs.

A fumigation supervisor and another expert/deputy fumigation supervisor must be appointed to carry out the fumigation. According to Annex I No. 4.4 GefStoffV, persons are considered to have expert knowledge if they can prove through training and examination that they are sufficiently qualified to carry out fumigation safely. Proof of this expertise is provided by successful participation in an officially recognized training course in accordance with Annexes 1a - c of TRGS 512.

The notification to the competent authority requires updating in case of

  • every change of the fumigation supervisor,
  • changes in the fumigation process and in the fumigation system that require a revision of the risk assessment, and/or
  • as soon as a different fumigant is used.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz (TLV) - Regionalinspektion Mittelthüringen

Postal address
Tennstedter Straße 8/9
99947 Bad Langensalza

Delivery address
Linderbacher Weg 30
99099 Erfurt
0361 573831-000
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Number: 10
Fees: no

Building access


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Notification of intended activities with fumigants in accordance with Annex I No. 4.3.2 GefStoffV