Veterinarian - registering professional practice with state veterinary chamber

Service Description

If you wish to practice your profession as a veterinarian in Thuringia, you must register this with the State Veterinary Chamber of Thuringia and with the Veterinary and Food Surveillance Office responsible for the location of your professional activity within one month of commencing your professional activity, presenting your proof of authorization. The termination of your professional practice and any change of residence or establishment must also be reported to the above-mentioned offices.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Landestierärztekammer Thüringen

Thälmannstr. 1-3
99085 Erfurt
0361 64438-793
0361 64438-795


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Veterinary Chamber registration form - (Thuringia)
Chamber of Veterinarians: Type of activity - (Thuringia)