Service Finder
Biotope protection
Service Description
A biotope is a more or less homogeneous part of the landscape that can be delimited from its surroundings. The definition and delimitation of a biotope are usually made on the basis of its plants and/or geomorphological characteristics, as well as its current use. A typical example is a pond. By means of its shoreline and the aquatic plants growing in it, it can be relatively clearly delineated from its surroundings. Just like some plant and animal species, certain types of biotopes are disappearing more and more from our landscape.
According to § 30 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act in conjunction with § 15 of the Thuringian Nature Conservation Act, certain parts of nature and landscape that have special significance as biotopes are protected by law. Unlike the better-known nature reserves or national parks, no designation is required for statutory biotope protection to be effective. These biotopes are protected by law simply because they belong to a particular type of biotope. Actions that may lead to the destruction or other significant impairment of biotopes protected in this way are prohibited.
Who should I contact?
Whether a biotope is subject to the protection of the law can be inquired at the lower nature conservation authority of the county or the independent city.
Information on this can be found in the map service of the Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation (TLUBN).
There are extensive nature conservation support programs for the conservation-oriented use or maintenance of these biotopes. Information about these can be obtained from the responsible lower nature conservation authority.
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Technically approved by
Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)
Competent Authority
Landratsamt Ilm-Kreis - Umweltamt
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt
Herr S. Friedrich
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt
03628 738-671Department
- Elleben:
- Ilm-Kreis:
- Witzleben:
Herr A. Mehm
99310 Arnstadt, Stadt
03628 738-670Department
- Elleben:
- Ilm-Kreis:
- Witzleben: