Provide aids to health

Service Description

If you do not have health insurance and are receiving continuous subsistence assistance for a short period of time (expected to be less than one month), the Social Welfare Office will immediately provide the necessary medical care by issuing a treatment certificate.

This includes

  • Preventive health assistance for the prevention and early detection of diseases
  • Assistance in case of illness
  • Help with family planning
  • Assistance in pregnancy and maternity
  • Assistance with sterilization

The assistance corresponds to the benefits provided by the statutory health insurance, including the requirement to make co-payments within the limits of the burden limit.

As far as a "classical" membership in a health insurance exists or can be established, this possibility has priority. If there is no right of access to health insurance in the normal way, registration by the social welfare office with a health insurance fund of the beneficiary's choice can be considered. If the prerequisites are not met either (e.g. in the case of very short-term need), the social welfare agency provides the necessary assistance by directly granting benefits within the framework of assistance for health.