Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognized

Service Description

If you want to offer a support service in everyday life, you need to be recognized by the state for this.

Low-threshold care and respite services are services for eligible persons (persons in need of care and insured persons with a significant need for general supervision and care who are cared for and supported at home) in which helpers, under professional guidance, take over the care of eligible persons in groups or at home and provide care for family members and similar caregivers.

  1. take over the care of the entitled persons in groups or in the home area as well as relieve caring relatives and comparably close caregivers and support them in an advisory capacity,
  2. a) support the beneficiary in the household - in particular with household chores,
    b) accompany the beneficiary in coping with general or care-related requirements of everyday life,
    c) support the beneficiaries in organizing individually required assistance on their own responsibility,
    d) relieve relatives or persons with comparable close ties in their capacity as caregivers.

Recognizable low-threshold care and relief services are in particular

  1. Offers for hourly care of people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence in the home,
  2. Offers of hourly support for people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence in the domestic sphere in coping with general and care-related requirements of everyday life, for example in domestic care,
  3. Care groups for people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence,
  4. Day care in small groups,
  5. Family support services,
  6. Support in the organization of individually required assistance or
  7. Psychosocial support and counseling for family caregivers or other close caregivers.

Within the framework of the low-threshold care and respite services pursuant to Par. 1, the support of the eligible persons is provided by voluntary helpers or employees subject to social insurance contributions as helpers.

Low-threshold care and relief offers by approved outpatient care services are considered recognized.

The recognition of a low-threshold care and relief offer requires that it is eligible for funding. The recognition procedure aims to ensure the quality of low-threshold care and respite services.

Recognition of a low-threshold care and respite service does not constitute an entitlement to public funding.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt - Heimaufsicht - Referat 530

Jorge-Semprún-Platz 4
99423 Weimar
Transport connection
1, 2, 3, 9
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Tiefgarage Atrium
Number: 840
Fees: yes

Building access


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Annex A to the application for recognition of a low-threshold care service in accordance with § 45 b Para. 1 Sentence 3 No. 4 SGB XI
Application for recognition of a low-threshold care service in accordance with § 45 b Para. 1 Sentence 3 No. 4 SGB XI