Service Finder
Have low-threshold offers in the care sector recognized
Service Description
If you want to offer a support service in everyday life, you need to be recognized by the state for this.
Low-threshold care and respite services are services for eligible persons (persons in need of care and insured persons with a significant need for general supervision and care who are cared for and supported at home) in which helpers, under professional guidance, take over the care of eligible persons in groups or at home and provide care for family members and similar caregivers.
- take over the care of the entitled persons in groups or in the home area as well as relieve caring relatives and comparably close caregivers and support them in an advisory capacity,
- a) support the beneficiary in the household - in particular with household chores,
b) accompany the beneficiary in coping with general or care-related requirements of everyday life,
c) support the beneficiaries in organizing individually required assistance on their own responsibility,
d) relieve relatives or persons with comparable close ties in their capacity as caregivers.
Recognizable low-threshold care and relief services are in particular
- Offers for hourly care of people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence in the home,
- Offers of hourly support for people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence in the domestic sphere in coping with general and care-related requirements of everyday life, for example in domestic care,
- Care groups for people in need of care and people with limited everyday competence,
- Day care in small groups,
- Family support services,
- Support in the organization of individually required assistance or
- Psychosocial support and counseling for family caregivers or other close caregivers.
Within the framework of the low-threshold care and respite services pursuant to Par. 1, the support of the eligible persons is provided by voluntary helpers or employees subject to social insurance contributions as helpers.
Low-threshold care and relief offers by approved outpatient care services are considered recognized.
The recognition of a low-threshold care and relief offer requires that it is eligible for funding. The recognition procedure aims to ensure the quality of low-threshold care and respite services.
Recognition of a low-threshold care and respite service does not constitute an entitlement to public funding.
Process flow
Recognition of a low-threshold care and respite service requires a written application from the provider to the competent authority.
Who should I contact?
For recognition of low-threshold care and respite services, contact the Thuringian State Administration Office (TLVwA), Department 630.
The prerequisite for recognition is that
- on the basis of a submitted professional concept, regular and reliable care and relief is provided by volunteers or employees subject to social insurance contributions who are personally and professionally suitable for their tasks, receive professional training and attend appropriate advanced training courses,
- no unreasonably high remuneration is demanded for the care and relief services,
- there is adequate insurance coverage against property damage and personal injury that the helpers may cause or suffer in the course of their work,
- appropriate spatial conditions are available, if offers are to take place in groups,
- the administrative district or the independent city in the Free State of Thuringia, in which the service is provided, does not object to the planned recognition on the basis of the local nursing policy concept, and
- the applicant undertakes to submit an annual activity report in the form of a form to the competent authority by 30 April for the previous year, which provides information in particular on the number and type of care and relief provided, including the full-time staff and voluntary helpers deployed.
A regularity of the care and relief offer exists if the services are offered permanently and in certain time intervals. The aim is for the service to reach at least three eligible persons at least once a week or to be made available to eligible persons on at least three days a week. To ensure the reliability of the low-threshold care and respite services, it must be possible to substitute a helper, for example in the event of vacation or illness. This person must also meet the requirements for personal and professional suitability in accordance with this ordinance.
Volunteers are considered to be volunteers if they do not receive any compensation or receive compensation for expenses that is within the maximum limit of the Income Tax Act and does not exceed the amount of income specified therein.
Volunteers, as well as employees subject to social security contributions, acquire their professional qualifications through preparatory training and regular continuing education courses, the content and scope of which must be tailored to the respective low-threshold care and respite services. Special requirements apply to preparatory training and regular continuing education (see "What else should I know?").
Continuous supervision and support of the helpers by a specialist is required for the professional guidance. The tasks of the specialist include at least
- a personal initial contact with the beneficiary to clarify the appropriate form of care and relief in the individual case,
- a regular offer of team and case discussions for the helpers,
- further training of the helpers and
- counseling in the event of changes in care and relief needs as well as in the event of crises.
Which documents are required?
The application must be accompanied by a cost calculation and the concept of the low-threshold care and relief offer. In particular, these must provide information about the target group, scope, method, and required remuneration of the low-threshold services offered, as well as about the amount of compensation for the voluntary helpers and the remuneration of employees subject to social insurance contributions, which must comply with the requirements of the Minimum Wage Act. In addition, they must provide evidence that the statutory requirements and the recommendations of the GKV-Spitzenverband and the Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies), as amended, are met.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
- Objection
- Action at the administrative court
Will be sent or offered for download by the responsible body (TLVwA).
What else should I know?
Providers are required to submit an annual activity report on the previous year's period to the competent authority by April 30, providing information in particular on the number and type of care and relief provided, including the full-time staff and volunteers deployed.
Notification of changes, limitation, withdrawal and revocation of recognition
The applicant is obligated to notify the competent authority immediately of any changes that affect the legally described prerequisites as well as the requirements described in the recommendations of the GKV-Spitzenverband and the Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies). If these prerequisites and requirements are no longer met, the recognition can be revoked.
Recognition relates to the services described in the submitted concept. It may be granted for a limited period of time.
The relevant provisions of the Tenth Book of the German Social Code apply to the recognition procedure, the withdrawal procedure and the revocation procedure.
Training and continuing education of helpers
Volunteers require preparatory training of at least 30 hours. The same applies to helpers subject to social insurance who provide household support services.
The helpers employed subject to social insurance require- a preparatory training in the scope of at least 160 hours. In addition, they must complete an internship of at least two weeks in an inpatient care facility or with an outpatient care service.
Both the voluntary helpers and the helpers employed under social insurance are to take part in a one-day training event at least once a year.
For the contents of the training measures and the requirements for the specialists who carry out the training measures, reference is made to the recommendations of the GKV-Spitzenverband and the Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e. V. (Association of Private Health Insurance Companies) in the currently valid version.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content per DeepL.
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Start your request directly online:
Competent Authority
Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt - Heimaufsicht - Referat 530
99423 Weimar
0361 57332-1761Transport connection
Parking spaces
Tiefgarage Atrium
Number: 840
Fees: yes