Application/notification for permission to work in the cemetery (for tradespeople)

Service Description

The respective cemetery operator can regulate the exercise of activities in a cemetery as a stonemason, gardener, mortician or other tradesperson in a cemetery regulation. This may result in an obligation to notify or obtain a permit.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Südliches Saaletal - Ordnungsamt

Bahnhofstraße 23
07768 Kahla
036424 59-135
036424 59-137
036424 59-136
036424 59-150
Opening times

Personal contact only with prior appointment!

By appointment only
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Fees: yes


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Notification of commercial activity at the cemetery (individual notification)
Notification of commercial activity at the cemetery (permanent notification)