Service Finder
Application/notification for permission to work in the cemetery (for tradespeople)
Service Description
The respective cemetery operator can regulate the exercise of activities in a cemetery as a stonemason, gardener, mortician or other tradesperson in a cemetery regulation. This may result in an obligation to notify or obtain a permit.
Who should I contact?
The respective cemetery operator is responsible. In the case of municipal cemeteries, the respective administrations in the administrative communities, fulfilling municipalities and in the towns and municipalities are responsible.
Legal basis
Is the respective cemetery statutes.
Applications / forms
Formal legal remedies against administrative acts are governed by § 79 ThürVwVfG in conjunction with §§ 68ff VwGO. §§ 68ff VwGO.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Municipal Affairs
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Start your request directly online:
Competent Authority
Verwaltungsgemeinschaft Südliches Saaletal - Ordnungsamt
07768 Kahla
Opening times
Personal contact only with prior appointment!
By appointment only
Parking spaces
Fees: yes