Service Finder
German School Abroad - Registration
Service Description
There are currently 137 German schools abroad in 72 countries around the world that provide education according to German standards. Both German or international and, if applicable, country-specific degrees can be earned.
The majority of German schools abroad are designed as encounter schools. In addition to German children living abroad with their parents, the doors of the schools abroad are also open to children of all nationalities.
In the German-language schools abroad, the students are taught in the German language. In addition, in the sense of an encounter school, parts of the lessons also take place in the national language or in foreign languages.
At German schools abroad, not only knowledge and language skills are taught. This gives students the opportunity to get to know the diversity of the school system abroad within the framework of an exchange.
The schools abroad are places of encounter and intercultural dialogue. They attach great importance to multilingualism and individual support for their students.
German school abroad is more than just a name. Behind it is a common mission statement to which all schools in the worldwide network of German Schools Abroad feel committed. This mission statement is characterized by
- high teaching quality
- international graduation profile
- individual support
- encounter of cultures
- German language/multilingualism.
The Federal Republic of Germany supports 137 German schools abroad with recognized German, international and domestic school-leaving qualifications and around 350 other school institutions worldwide. German school work abroad is an essential part of Germany's foreign cultural policy. These bridge-builders have a particularly important role in countries and regions where there are crises and conflicts. Here, the schools abroad are places where a welcoming culture, intercultural learning and dialogue are practiced.
The German schools abroad offer various educational programs and degrees. In addition to the classic German Abitur (abroad via the German International Abitur Examination - DIAP) as well as the International Baccalaureate (IB) and the Mixed Language International Baccalaureate (GIB), many schools abroad also offer middle school degrees (Realschulabschluss, Hauptschulabschluss). Some German schools abroad offer dual training or the Fachoberschule. With this intercultural, competence-oriented and also practical education, graduates have good career opportunities worldwide.
Further information can be found on the pages of the Federal Foreign Office, on the Federal Government's portal for skilled workers from abroad, on the pages of the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder of the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK).
Process flow
- You contact the school you are considering and find out about the admission procedure.
- You register your child at the relevant school.
- The school decides on the basis of individual requirements and school-specific criteria whether your child will be accepted at the German School Abroad.
- You receive information from the school as to whether or not your child is accepted at the school.
Who should I contact?
Within a few clicks, the interactive world map "Contacts on site" shows you whether there is a German school abroad in the country where you would like to send your children to school.
Alternatively, you can also use the world map of the PASCH initiative "Schools: Partners for the Future".
You can obtain further information from the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (Zentralstelle für das Auslandsschulwesen)
There are no uniform admission requirements for German schools abroad.
The respective school decides on admission.
Which documents are required?
The respective school decides which documents must be presented at the time of registration.
What are the fees?
The respective school determines the fees.
Schools abroad are private schools; these are subject to school fees.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The respective school determines the registration deadlines.
Processing duration
The processing time varies, depending on the situation at the individual school Admission is usually once a year at the beginning of the school year.
Legal basis
In the absence of bilateral agreements, the legal basis for the schooling of school-age children is provided by the regulations of the respective country of residence, which can be obtained from the school.
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Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)