Apply for victim compensation

Service Description

If you suffer damage to your health in Germany as a result of an intentional, unlawful assault against your person or another person, or as a result of lawful defense, for example bodily injury, you may, on application, receive benefits in respect of this damage to your health and, if applicable, economic loss.

The following benefits are available

  • Medical treatment and treatment of the sick, welfare benefits (war victims' welfare),
  • survivors' benefits for widows, widowers, orphans, parents,
  • payment of death and burial benefits,
  • assumption of costs in the event of need for nursing care due to injury and for institutional care
  • Provision of orthopedic aids,
  • pension and
  • other cash benefits.

Care can be provided in the form of a monthly pension. Depending on the degree of damage (GdS), this includes

  • non-income-related benefits, such as basic pension, care allowance, severely disabled person's allowance, clothing allowance, as well as
  • income-related benefits, such as compensatory pension, spouse's supplement, occupational injury compensation.

Compensation is not paid for pecuniary or immaterial damage. This also applies to self-inflicted injuries (for example, if you started a fight).

You may be denied benefits if you, as the injured party, do not contribute to the investigation, for example, if you do not file a report.

For foreigners, the scope of benefits depends on the length of their legal residence. Your stay is also considered legal if your deportation is suspended ("Duldung"). On the other hand, people who are staying in Germany illegally are not entitled to benefits.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt - SER-Renten, Rehabilitierung von SED-Unrecht, Bußgeld nach dem SGB XI - Referat 610

Postal address
Post office box 100 141
98490 Suhl

Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 4
98527 Suhl
Transport connection
Haltestelle Kommerstraße
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Number: 20
Fees: no

Building access


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Application for the granting of compensation under the Act on the Civilian Service of Conscientious Objectors