Elementary school admission

Service Description

Pupils in grades 1 to 4 are taught in elementary school. The elementary school teaches its pupils basic knowledge and skills and develops the various abilities in a common educational program for all pupils. Full-time compulsory education begins on August 1 of the same year for all children who are six years old on August 1 of the same year. A child who is at least five years old on June 30 can be admitted to school early on August 1 of the same year at the request of the parents.


Parents register their child at the elementary school responsible for their district of residence between December 10 and 20 of the previous year. The registration date is announced by the school authority in the usual local manner between December 1 and 8. If parents wish to attend a different elementary school for important reasons, a guest school application must be submitted to the responsible school authority. Irrespective of this, the pupil must first be registered at the elementary school responsible for the district of residence.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Staatliche Grundschule "Am Trompeterfelsen" Rothenstein

Schulstr. 18
07751 Rothenstein
036424 22500
036424 766055


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Registration of my child at the school
Deregistration of my child from school

Further Authorities

Staatliche Grundschule Wormstedt
Alte Brauerei 17a
99518 Bad Sulza
036464 70213
036464 70241
Staatliches Schulamt Ostthüringen
Hermann-Drechsler-Str. 1
07548 Gera
0365 54854-600
0365 54854-666