Building - Application for building permit / for exemption from approval

Service Description

If new buildings are erected, changes are made to buildings or their use is changed, a building permit is required. This does not apply to smaller construction projects for which certain conditions apply.

The Thuringian Building Code thus distinguishes between four different situations for new construction, alterations or changes of use of buildings:

1. projects for which a building permit procedure must be carried out and a building permit issued, which is carried out by the lower building supervisory authorities. The building permit is granted if the project does not conflict with any public law regulations.

2. projects for which a building permit is required, which can probably be granted in a simplified building permit procedure.
Smaller projects (such as detached and semi-detached houses and other comparable buildings) can be examined in a simplified building permit procedure. The Thuringian Building Code regulates which projects this applies to. The simplified building permit procedure is less complex. A decision on the building application is made within three months of submission of the complete application documents.

3.projects for which no building permit is expected to be required, but which must be notified. The construction of selected smaller projects within the scope of a development plan does not require a building permit if the provisions of the development plan are complied with and the development is secured. Projects of this type must be submitted to the municipality for review. The examination is carried out in an approval exemption procedure.

4.projects that do not require a building permit and do not have to be notified. The Thuringian Building Code specifies which projects on structural installations are exempt from procedures. Such projects do not have to be reported to the municipality or the lower building supervisory authority.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Landratsamt Saale-Holzland-Kreis - Untere Bauaufsichtsbehörde

Schloßgasse 17
07607 Eisenberg

Postal address
Post office box 1310
07602 Eisenberg
036691 115
036691 70-748
Opening times

Tuesday 08:30 - 12:00, 13:30 - 15:30
Thursday 08:30 - 12:00, 13:30 - 17:30

Please note
Appointments can also be made outside of these office hours if required.

Transport connection
Parking spaces
Handicapped Parking Place
Number: 2
Fees: no

Parking Place
Number: 2
Fees: no

Building access


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Annex 12 Statement of the municipality according to § 36 BauGB and § 68 para. 1 ThürBO
Annex 01: Application for building permit / submission in the permit exemption procedure (Section 64 ThürBO)
Annex 03: Application for approval of an exception (Section 31 (1) BauGB) / exemption (Section 31 (2) BauGB) / deviation (Section 73 ThürBO)
Annex 10: Notification of the removal of an installation in accordance with Section 63 (3) sentence 2 ThürBO
Annex 02: Building description