Applying for a special permit for vehicles and vehicle combinations

Service Description

Vehicles that do not comply with the construction and operating regulations of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO) require a special permit to participate in public road traffic.

In principle, exemptions may only be approved if all reasonable possibilities for complying with the provisions of the StVZO and the Vehicle Registration Ordinance (FZV) have been fully exhausted.

They may only be approved to the extent that is absolutely necessary for the intended purpose (strict standard); no exemption may be granted for economic reasons alone.

The exemptions can generally be granted for a period of validity of up to 12 years; they can also be limited to three, six or nine years.

The exemption permits must be obtained by the vehicle owner, carried along when driving and handed over to the responsible persons for inspection on request.

The vehicle/part to be approved must already exist. Pre-approval is not possible due to the need for a technical inspection.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesverwaltungsamt - Straßen- und Luftverkehr - Referat 520

Jorge-Semprún-Platz 4
99423 Weimar
0361 57332-1403
0361 57332-1462
Transport connection
1, 2, 3, 9
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Tiefgarage Atrium
Number: 840
Fees: yes

Building access