Restrict the processing of your personal data

Service Description

As a citizen of the European Union (EU), you can request from any body that stores and processes personal data about you that your data may only be stored but no longer processed.

Personal data includes, for example

  • Online data, such as IP address, location data, email address
  • Bank data, such as account balances, account numbers
  • Identification numbers, such as identity card number or social security number
  • Land register entries
  • Health information, such as genetic data, medical data
  • certificates
  • General personal data, such as name, address, age, marital status
  • Physical characteristics, such as gender, skin, hair or eye color, height

With your right to restriction of processing, you can initially prevent your personal data from continuing to be processed electronically. As soon as the rights of the data controller have expired, your data will be permanently deleted. You can only invoke your right to restriction of processing under certain conditions.

You can assert the right to restriction of processing against public and non-public bodies. Public bodies are, for example, public authorities, non-public bodies are, for example, commercial enterprises, associations or clubs.

You must request the restriction of the processing of your personal data directly from the relevant public or non-public body.

If you wish to submit a written request by post or require general information, please contact the relevant authority with your questions.

The contact details of the relevant authority can be found in the list of authorities on the " - Service Online" portal.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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