Service Finder
Receive information on purchase price collection
Service Description
The expert committees for property values maintain a collection of purchase prices for their areas of responsibility. The collection of purchase prices is a database and contains, among other things, information on contracts for the purchase and exchange of properties, parts of properties and rights to properties, including the associated price and value-determining features.
In order to maintain the collection of purchase prices, the expert committees receive property purchase and exchange contracts primarily from the certifying bodies (e.g. notaries) and evaluate them.
Among other things, comparative prices can be determined from the purchase price collection, which are used to determine comparative values in the comparative value procedure.
The collection of purchase prices is not intended for the public. You can obtain information from the purchase price collection on request if you can prove a legitimate interest.
Process flow
You apply for information from the purchase price collection in writing. If suitable purchase cases are available, you will receive the requested purchase price information in anonymized form without specifying owners or other personal data:
- Application:
- Fill out and print out the form in digital or analog form
- with signature and proof of legitimate interest or certificate to the relevant office
- Check the documents:
Check the available data and, if necessary telephone consultation with the applicant
- Information from the purchase price collection
In principle, creation of an xlsx file with password protection and sending by May
(alternatively print version)
- Preparation of the cost decision
Who should I contact?
Please contact the respective expert committees of the federal states and their offices.
In the Free State of Thuringia, there are 9 expert committees for land values, which are assigned to the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG) and are each responsible for several districts (see also the following link).
Application for the service is only intended for persons or bodies with a legitimate interest or authorization to apply, see the relevant provisions in the Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance. The purchase price collection is not intended for the public.
Services can be requested by
- Authorities
- other public bodies
- publicly appointed and sworn experts for property valuation and real estate appraisal
- Property valuation experts who are certified by an internationally recognized personnel certification body in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17024
- Persons who demonstrate a legitimate interest in individual cases, e.g. for the following reasons:
- Determination of market value
- Sale/purchase
- Forced sale
- Expropriation tax reasons
- Estate settlement
- Mortgaging
- Property settlement
Which documents are required?
- Proof of legitimation (authorization to submit an application)
- If applicable, application for information from the purchase price collection (see download forms)
What are the fees?
Cost type: variable
- Property-related information (not anonymized):
up to fifteen purchase cases € 150 / for each additional purchase case € 7.50
- Non-property-related information (anonymized):
up to fifteen purchase cases € 75 / for each additional purchase case € 3.75
- Negative information (none available) 45 €
- Evaluations:
- 120 to 6000 € per application
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
Processing duration
The processing time is 1 - 4 weeks.
Legal basis
The Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance (ThürGAVO), the associated cost regulations (ThürVwKostOGA), the Thuringian Data Protection Act (ThürDSG) and other relevant laws of the Free State of Thuringia, as well as federal regulations (e.g. BauGB).
- Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance (ThürGAVO)
- § Section 13 of the Thuringian Expert Committee Ordinance (ThürGAVO)
- Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Expert Committees (ThürVwKostOGA)
- § Section 43 of the Thuringian Data Protection Act (ThürDSG)
- § Section 195 of the German Building Code (BauGB)
Applications / forms
Since no administrative action is taken, no legal remedy is possible.
- Forms: possible, depending on the expert committee
- Online procedure possible: yes
- Written form required: yes
- Personal appearance required: no
The following forms are available for download to apply for an appraisal. The PDF documents can be filled out digitally or in analog form and sent to the responsible office with a signature.
What else should I know?
The information from the purchase price collection does not imply any statement about the usability of the data in individual cases.
Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG)
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
TLBG - R 2.3
Professionally released on
Other services exist for Receive information on purchase price collection:
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Competent Authority
Thüringer Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation (TLBG) - Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses in der Zweigstelle Pößneck
07381 Pößneck
Opening times
Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 12:00
Monday to Thursday: 13:00 - 15:30
and by appointment
Transport connection
(Expert committee for property values for the area of the Saale-Holzland district, the Saale-Orla district and the independent city of Jena)