Apply for LEADER funding

Service Description

You can receive support for projects in rural areas through the LEADER funding program. You must apply for this funding. According to the ILE funding guidelines, the standard funding rate for LEADER project funding is up to 65% of eligible expenditure; in exceptional cases, this may vary and be up to 80%. The regional action groups (RAGs) themselves determine the level of funding in their strategies.

What is funded?
- Preparatory costs (as part of an application to become a RAG during the recognition procedure at the beginning of a funding period)
- Projects to implement the regional development strategy
- Cross-regional and transnational cooperation
- Administration and awareness-raising

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum (TLLLR) - Referat 44 - Regionale Landentwicklung Ostthüringen

Burgstraße 5
07545 Gera
+49 361 574065-101
+49 361 574164-333


Infotelefon Landentwicklung
+49 361 574062-999
Responsible for

Further Authorities

PORTIA Servicehotline
Uhlandstraße 3
99601 Sömmerda
+49 361 574013-333