Applying for recognition as a veterinarian with a professional qualification from a third country

Service Description

In order to work as a veterinarian in Germany without any restrictions, you need a license to practice.

Approbation is the state license to practice the profession. The license to practice is necessary because the profession is regulated in Germany. This means that you are not allowed to work as a veterinarian without a license to practice.

You can also obtain a license to practice in Germany with a professional qualification from a so-called third country. Third countries are all countries that do not belong to the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

You will be granted a license to practice by the competent authority if your veterinary training is equivalent to German training. Equivalence is checked in the recognition procedure.

If your professional qualification comes from the EU, the EEA or Switzerland, other regulations apply.

You can also apply for the procedure from abroad.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz (TLV) - Dezernat 22 - Allgemeines Veterinärwesen, Tierschutz, Tierarzneimittelüberwachung

Tennstedter Straße 8/9
99947 Bad Langensalza
0361 57-3815201
0361 57-3815221
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Besucherparkplätze auf dem Grundstück
Number: 10
Fees: no

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