Apply for entry in the register of crafts that are exempt from licensing or in the register of trades similar to crafts

Service Description

The register of owners of a craft or craft-like trade that is not subject to licensing is a register in which all

  • natural and
  • legal entities and
  • partnerships with legal capacity

who operate an unlicensed craft or craft-like trade must register. The crafts that are exempt from licensing are listed in Section 1 of Annex B to the Crafts Code.

These include:

  • Watchmakers,
  • Goldsmiths and silversmiths,
  • wood sculptors,
  • sailmakers,
  • shoemakers,
  • millers,
  • brewers and maltsters,
  • textile cleaners,
  • building cleaners,
  • photographers,
  • bookbinders and
  • violin makers.

Trades similar to crafts are listed in Section 2 of Appendix B to the Crafts Code. These include:

  • Iron weavers,
  • floor layers,
  • Metal grinders and metal polishers,
  • vehicle recyclers,
  • pipe and drain cleaners,
  • ice cream makers,
  • beauticians and
  • Piano tuners.

In order for the register to be kept correctly, there is a legal obligation to notify the Chamber of Skilled Crafts of the start or termination of the independent operation of an unlicensed craft or craft-like trade. Notification of the start of the business triggers a procedure for entry in the register.

To register an unlicensed craft or a craft-like trade as a standing trade, you submit an application for entry in the register of owners of a business of an unlicensed craft or a craft-like trade.

If you submit the application in writing, you must enclose the documents to be submitted as copies, certified copies or originals, depending on the Chamber of Crafts.

A trade is an unlicensed craft or a craft-like trade if it is operated in a craft-like manner and is listed in Annex B of the Crafts Code (see legal basis).

After notification of the craft-like trade, the Chamber of Crafts issues a confirmation of entry in the register of owners of a business of an admission-free craft or a craft-like trade (trade card). With the trade card you can later legitimize yourself as a registered trade business.

Anyone who operates the independent business of an admission-free craft or a craft-like trade as a standing trade is entered in the register in accordance with Appendix B Section 1 or Section 2 of the Crafts Code. It is not necessary to submit professional qualifications for this purpose. Craft or trade cards are issued as a certificate of registration. The registration is subject to a fee.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Start your request directly online:

Competent Authority

Handwerkskammer für Ostthüringen (HWK Gera) - Handwerksrolle

Handwerkstraße 5
07545 Gera
0365 8225-129
0365 8225-199
Opening times

07:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

07:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.

07:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

07:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.

07:30 am - 12:45 pm

Saturday + Sunday

Transport connection
Haupbahnhof / Theater
Parking spaces
Parking Place
Fees: unknown


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Application for registration / change / extension - (Chamber of Crafts East Thuringia)
Information sheet for entry in the list of trades not requiring a license and trades similar to trades in Annex B Section 1 and Section 2 of the Crafts Code (HandwO)
Leaflet Annex A and B to the Crafts Code