Pay alcopop tax

Service Description

The alcopop tax is an excise duty levied on sweet drinks containing alcohol. Alcopops are mixed drinks in liquid or frozen form that are essentially made from 2 main components:

1st component:

  • Drinks with an alcohol content of up to 1.2% by volume (including, for example, soft drinks, cola or water) or
  • fermented beverages with an alcohol content of more than 1.2% by volume (e.g. beer, honey, fruit or grape wine), or
  • a mixture of these components (e.g. lemonade with beer)

2. component:

  • Alcohol or goods containing alcohol as defined by the Alcohol Tax Act (e.g. whisky, gin, liqueurs and other spirits)

Such mixed drinks containing alcohol fall under the Alcohol Tax Act if they:

  • have an alcohol content of more than 1.2% by volume but less than 10% by volume and
  • are mixed ready-to-drink and bottled in ready-to-drink, sealed containers (ready-to-drink also includes prepared mixed components of drinks that are offered in a common package. Ready-to-drink containers are those which, by the nature of their presentation, are intended for retail and for direct sale to the final consumer).
  • are subject to alcohol tax as alcohol products.

Alcopop tax is generally levied as soon as the products enter the economic cycle in the German tax territory. This is usually the case when the alcopops are removed from a tax warehouse without a further tax suspension procedure following. When withdrawing from a tax warehouse for alcohol products and alcopops (combined warehouse), alcohol tax is incurred at the same time.

The tax is also incurred if the alcopops are consumed in the tax warehouse. A tax warehouse is a location approved by the main customs office where alcopops may be produced, processed, treated, stored, received or dispatched.

In addition, the tax arises, among other things, when alcohol is imported from a third country. A third country is a country outside the internal European area.

The amount of tax is calculated according to the alcohol content of the alcohol. It amounts to EUR 5,550 for 100 liters of pure alcohol.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Generalzolldirektion (GZD), Zentrale Auskunft Zoll

Carusufer 3-5
01099 Dresden, Stadt

Postal address
Post office box 100761
01077 Dresden, Stadt
+49 228 303-26020
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+49 228 303-26040
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Opening times

Call times:

Monday 08:00 - 17:00

Tuesday 08:00 - 17:00

Wednesday 08:00 - 17:00

Thursday 08:00 - 17:00

Friday 08:00 - 17:00