Participate in a program that prepares young people with disabilities for vocational training.

Service Description

The rehabilitation-specific pre-vocational training measure (BvB) supports young people with disabilities who are quite suitable for an apprenticeship but are not (yet) up to the general requirements due to their disabilities. The aim is to prepare you for an apprenticeship and to help you find a suitable apprenticeship. This can also be a specialist traineeship for people with disabilities. If it becomes apparent during the course of the program that it is not possible for you to take up vocational training for personal reasons, you can also be supported in the further course with the aim of finding employment.

At the end of the training program, you should have found answers to these questions: What are my talents? What training should I do? Which profession can I imagine?

The content includes, among other things

  • Help with career orientation and career choice,
  • imparting knowledge and skills for starting an apprenticeship,
  • the opportunity to obtain a secondary school leaving certificate at a later date,
  • Internships in various occupational fields and companies,
  • job application training,
  • help with the search for apprenticeships and, if necessary, jobs.

You can take part in a rehabilitation-specific pre-vocational training program at an educational institution or vocational rehabilitation facility that is geared towards the special needs of young people with disabilities. Depending on the target group and the facilities, the providers have their own training workshops, offices and companies with workplaces designed for the disabled and provide educational and sometimes psychological support. Vocational rehabilitation facilities also offer residential and leisure facilities and are available for occupational health issues.

If the employment agency is your rehabilitation provider, it will cover the costs.

You will receive financial support in the form of a transitional allowance or training allowance and you will be covered by social insurance.

Note for customers who receive benefits from the Jobcenter (citizen's allowance):

If you take part in a rehabilitation-specific vocational preparation measure, you will receive an additional citizen's allowance bonus of EUR 75.00 per month from 01.07.2023. You do not need to submit a separate application for this.

Whether you can take part in a rehabilitation-specific pre-vocational training measure depends, among other things, on

  • whether the measure is suitable for you and your specific case in order to increase your chances of starting vocational training,
  • what your personal inclinations are and how these can be useful in professional life
  • which activities you would like to pursue and
  • how the training and labor market is currently developing.

Rehabilitation-specific vocational training generally starts at the beginning of the training year in September and usually lasts up to 12 months. However, you can also start at a different time. Under certain conditions, an extension of up to a total duration of 24 months is possible.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA), Arbeitnehmer-Hotline

+49 800 4555500
Opening times

Monday 08:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 08:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 08:00 - 18:00
Thursday 08:00 - 18:00
Friday 08:00 - 18:00