Participation in elections to the European Parliament

Service Description

Participation in local elections

Registration in the electoral roll

Just like German voters, EU citizens from other member states of the European Union (EU) who are entitled to vote are automatically entered in the electoral roll for municipal elections if they are registered with the municipal authority on the are registered .

Electoral requirements

For the exercise of the right to vote and stand as a candidate in municipal elections the same conditions apply as for German nationals. The details are specified in Directive 94/80/EC of the Council of the European Union. Since the Basic Law stipulates that the right to vote in municipal elections is the responsibility of the federal states, these conditions may vary from state to state.

Compulsory voting

In Germany there is no compulsory voting .

Standing as a candidate in a local election

Citizens of the Union without German citizenship can also stand for election to the municipal council or city council be elected. In some federal states, they can also run for mayor, in others this is not possible.

Requirements for standing as a candidate

The same requirements apply for candidacy as for German citizens. These are determined by the laws of the federal states.

Participation in elections to the European Parliament

EU citizens from other EU member states can either stand as a candidate in their country of origin depending on the electoral law, possibly also by postal vote or by ballot box in their diplomatic missions abroad, or in the Federal Republic of Germany vote in the Federal Republic of Germany.

EU citizens from other EU member states who are voting in Germany for the first time must register in the electoral roll for the European elections registered for the European elections. The application should be submitted as early as possible; it must be received by the German municipality of residence by the 21st day before the election at the latest.

You will then be entered on the electoral roll for future elections to the European Parliament. This is valid until you move to another member state or until you apply for the deletion of the entry .

In order to be able to vote or stand as a candidate in elections to the European Parliament in Germany, the following requirements must be fulfilled:

  • Citizenship of an EU member state
  • Residence in Germany
  • Completion of the 16 years of age until election day
  • permanent residence in Germany or other EU member states for at least 3 months.
  • No exclusion from the right to vote or to stand as a candidate in elections

EU citizens from other EU member states should contact their German municipality of residence to inform them where they will be voting in the European Parliament elections.

Voting is not compulsory in Germany.

EU citizens from other EU member states who wish to stand as a candidate in the elections to the European Parliament must declare that they are not resident in any other country. and that they are not excluded from the right to stand as a candidate.

In Germany, the Members of the European Parliament are elected on the basis of list nominations . The nominations must be submitted by political parties or other political associations to the Federal Returning Officer must be submitted. Several documents must be submitted together with the list election proposals, including a form with the aforementioned declarations for candidates from other EU member states (no candidacy in another member state, no exclusion from the right to stand as a candidate). Forms are available from the respective state electoral administration or from the Federal Returning Officer available.

European elections 2024

From June 6 to 9, 2024, the European Parliament will be elected for the tenth time by the citizens of the European Union. The Federal Government has set the June 9, 2024 as the election date for the European elections in Germany. The minimum age for eligibility to vote in European elections has been reduced for the first time for the 2024 election from 18 to 16 years for the first time.

All Germans within the meaning of Article 116 (1) of the Basic Law and all nationals of other Member States of the European Union (EU citizens) residing in Germany who have reached the age of sixteen on election day are eligible to vote. sixteen years of age have reached the age of sixteen.

Germans abroad

Germans living abroad who are not registered in Germany are referred to as Germans living abroad. They are not automatically included in the electoral roll. Only those who are entered in a voters' register can vote. Therefore, if Germans living abroad wish to vote in European elections, they must submit a formal application for entry in the electoral roll before each election .

German citizens can either:

  • exercise their right to vote by submitting an application in the Federal Republic of Germany, or
  • participate in the European elections in their Member State of residence if this is a member state of the EU. In this case, the provisions of the respective member state apply. For further information, it is recommended that you contact the competent authority in your Member State of residence.

Otherwise, the following applies to Germans living abroad outside the EU must submit an application for entry in the electoral roll.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Bundesministerium des Innern und für Heimat (BMI)

Alt-Moabit 140
10557 Berlin, Stadt

Graurheindorfer Straße 198
53117 Bonn, Stadt