Applying for subsequent certification of a marriage concluded abroad

Service Description

If you got married abroad and one of you has German citizenship, you can have the marriage certified in Germany.
The date of the application is decisive for the possession of German citizenship.
Stateless persons, homeless foreigners or foreign refugees with habitual residence in Germany can also submit an application for subsequent certification of the marriage.
The marriage must be concluded in accordance with the formal requirements applicable in the country in which you got married. German law must not stand in the way of the marriage.
You can also have your marriage subsequently certified if you both do not have German citizenship and were married in Germany before an authorized person of a government of the state to which one of you belongs.
The registry office of your place of residence or the place where you last lived or the place of your habitual residence is responsible for the subsequent certification.
If your habitual residence is not in Germany, the registry office I in Berlin is responsible for the subsequent certification.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

No direct responsibility has yet been determined for the service you requested. Information about the responsible authority can be obtained from the address displayed.

Stadtverwaltung Bürgel

Am Markt 1
07616 Bürgel
036692 491-0
036692 22253