Special obligation to report in hospitals, homes and similar institutions Information

Service Description

If you are admitted to hospitals, nursing homes or other facilities that serve to care for people in need of care or disabled people or to provide home education, you do not have to register as long as you are registered for another home in Germany. However, if you are admitted permanently, you must register within two weeks because you have moved out of your previous home or homes in Germany. Moving out means actually leaving a dwelling for good. As a rule, you are considered to have moved out if your expected absence is longer than one year. If you are not registered for an apartment in Germany, you must register as soon as your stay exceeds three months.

If you are unable to fulfill your obligation to register in person (for example, due to infirmity) and no caregiver or guardian has been appointed for you who can determine your residence, the managers of the facilities must notify the registration authority responsible for the location of the facility of your admission within two weeks. You will be informed of this.

If a guardian is appointed for you who can determine the residence, the duty of notification is incumbent on the guardian.

If, according to the determination of an authority, it is necessary in an individual case to avert a considerable and present danger, to prosecute criminal offences or to clarify the fate of missing persons and accident victims, hospitals, homes and similar institutions must provide the competent authority with information from their records. The information includes surnames, first names, date and place of birth and, in the case of birth abroad, also the state, nationalities, addresses as well as the date of admission and date of discharge.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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