Notify employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman

Service Description

A woman within the meaning of the Maternity Protection Act is any person who is pregnant, has given birth to a child or is breastfeeding. In principle, your employee is free to decide whether and when she informs you about her pregnancy or breastfeeding. You do not have to notify the supervisory authority responsible for you until your employee has informed you of her pregnancy.

Regardless of the type of employment relationship, the Maternity Protection Act also applies to:

  • Women who work full or part time,
  • Women in marginal employment (mini-jobs),
  • Women with fixed-term employment relationships or in a probationary period,
  • women undergoing vocational training and interns,
  • Women with disabilities who are employed in a workshop for disabled people,
  • Women who are volunteers within the meaning of the Youth Volunteer Service Act or the Federal Volunteer Service Act,
  • women who are active as development workers,
  • Women employed as members of a spiritual cooperative, deaconesses or members of a similar community,
  • Women employed as home-based workers,
  • women who, because of their economic independence, are to be regarded as persons similar to employees, and
  • Schoolgirls and female students.

If you have notified the supervisor of an employee's pregnancy, you do not need to provide further notification if your employee returns to work and is breastfeeding.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Verbraucherschutz (TLV) - Regionalinspektion Ostthüringen

Postal address
Tennstedter Straße 8/9
99947 Bad Langensalza

Delivery address
Otto-Dix-Straße 9
07548 Gera
0361 57-3821100
Building access


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Notification of the employment of a pregnant or breastfeeding woman in accordance with Section 27 of the Act for the Protection of Mothers at Work, in Training and at University (MuSchG)