Nature conservation: Intervention in nature and landscape - approval

Service Description

Interventions in nature and the landscape require approval.

Interventions in nature and the landscape are deemed to have occurred if the performance and functionality of the ecosystem or the landscape can be significantly impaired by changes to the shape or use of land areas or changes to the groundwater level associated with the living soil layer.

The following are not considered interventions

  • agricultural, forestry and fishing land use in accordance with good professional practice and taking into account the objectives and principles of nature conservation and landscape management,
  • the resumption of agricultural, forestry and fishing land use within 10 years of the expiry of contractual agreements with nature conservation authorities or public programs to restrict management.

Unavoidable adverse effects on nature and the landscape must be compensated for by compensatory or replacement measures.

special notes for District-free City Erfurt
  • Information
  • Statements
  • Intervention permits
  • Determination of compensation and replacement measures
  • Implementation control
  • Intervention register
  • Development plans; landscape conservation plans (LPB)

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Landeshauptstadt Erfurt, Stadtverwaltung - Naturschutz/Landschaftspflege

Visiting address
Stauffenbergallee 18
99085 Erfurt

99111 Erfurt
0361 655-2552
0361 655-2609
Opening times
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00 Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Transport connection

1, 5


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