Dog tax

Service Description

The dog tax is a municipal expense tax. It is levied for the keeping of dogs. The owner of a dog is the person who has taken a dog in his own interest or in the interest of his household or business.

If a municipality imposes a dog tax, dog owners are obliged to register or deregister their dog.

special notes for District-free City Erfurt

The tax rate for keeping dogs is:

  • for the first dog 108.00 EUR
  • for the second dog 132.00 EUR
  • for each additional dog 156.00 EUR
  • for dangerous dogs 564,00 EUR.

With the notices of 08.01.2014 to all dog owners of the city of Erfurt new dog tax stamps were sent. The previous dog tax stamps thus lost their validity.

If the tax stamp is lost, a replacement stamp will be issued for an administrative fee of EUR 5.00 in room 120, Stauffenbergallee 18, after presentation of the tax assessment notice or after notification of the cash reference number.

Dangerous dogs are dogs that are classified or determined as dangerous by the regulatory authority on the basis of the Thuringian Law for the Protection of the Population against Animal Dangers and require a corresponding permit.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Landeshauptstadt Erfurt, Stadtverwaltung - Örtliche Verbrauch- und Aufwandsteuern/Ermittlungsdienst

Visiting address
Stauffenbergallee 18
99085 Erfurt

99111 Erfurt
0361 655-2581
0361 655-2549
Opening times
Tuesday 09:00 - 12:00 and 13:00 - 18:00 Friday 09:00 - 12:00
Transport connection

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