Request arbitration between trainee and training company

Service Description

The body responsible for vocational training (e.g. Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Crafts or other chamber) can, at your request as a trainee or training company, conduct an arbitration procedure for the out-of-court settlement of serious disputes in vocational training, provided that an arbitration committee has been set up at the competent body. For this purpose, there is a dispute resolution committee that deals with the case and attempts to find a solution.

Before the hearing, a detailed preliminary discussion is usually held in person or by telephone with the training advisor at the relevant office.

You must submit your application to the office responsible for the training relationship; it can also be submitted verbally for the record. If you are a minor, a legal representative must give their consent.

The aim of arbitration is always to continue the training relationship until it is successfully concluded. Only after an unsuccessful hearing before the conciliation committee can you file a complaint with the labor court.

You do not have to hire a lawyer for the conciliation procedure. However, if you decide to hire a lawyer, you will generally have to bear the costs yourself.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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