Applying for an extension of a residence permit for cases of exceptional hardship

Service Description

You are in possession of a residence permit due to exceptional hardship. The circumstances justifying hardship continue to exist. This residence permit can then be extended if, due to special circumstances of the individual case, leaving the federal territory would continue to mean exceptional hardship for you.

In addition, the reasons that justify an obstacle to leaving the country and the other reasons preventing the termination of your residence must not have ceased to exist.

The general requirements for the granting of a residence permit must still be met (in particular securing your livelihood, clarified identity, no interest in deportation), unless the immigration authority decides not to do so at its discretion.

The extension of the residence permit still does not entitle you to pursue gainful employment. This can only be permitted upon application by the immigration authority.

A residence requirement can still be imposed on you.

You are entitled to social benefits (basic income support for jobseekers under the Third Social Security Code or basic income support in old age or in the event of reduced earning capacity under the Twelfth Social Security Code) and child benefit.

Family reunification is excluded.

You are not entitled to participate in an integration course. You can only be admitted to a course if there are places available.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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