Service Finder
Notifications for the performance of demolition and renovation work with asbestos or materials containing asbestos on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles (Annex I No. 2.4.2 Ordinance on Hazardous Substances)
Service Description
According to Annex I No. 2.4.2 of the Ordinance on Hazardous Substances, demolition and renovation work on or in existing plants, buildings or vehicles containing weakly bound asbestos products may only be carried out by companies that have been approved by the competent authority to carry out this work and that have the necessary personnel and safety equipment.
authority to carry out this work and have the necessary personnel and safety equipment to carry out the work.
According to TRGS 519, a distinction must be made between the company-related notification of activities involving asbestos-containing materials (Annex 1.1), the supplementary notification of place and time (Annex 1.2) and the object-related notification of activities involving asbestos-containing materials (Annex 1.3). Failure to notify is an administrative offense.
Process flow
The written notification must be submitted by a person authorized to represent the company approved for this work.
The required notification form (TRGS 519, Annexes 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3) including samples for the preparation of the risk assessment with work plan (TRGS 519, Annexes 1.4 and 1.5) and samples for the operating instructions (TRGS 519, Annexes 1.6 and 1.7) are available for download here.
Who should I contact?
Object-related notifications must be submitted to the regional inspectorate responsible for the location of the object.
Any company that is suitable for asbestos demolition and renovation work in terms of personnel and safety and has a permit may carry out asbestos activities after notifying the competent authority.
Corresponding personnel and safety requirements are laid down in TRGS 519 "Asbestos, demolition, renovation or maintenance work" (as of January 2014).
Each company must have at least two permanently employed competent persons. According to this, the company must be staffed with at least one competent person in charge and his deputy as well as, in the case of extensive work, an equipment expert (it is possible for the person in charge or his deputy to take over the function). The number of additional remediation specialists must be specified.
Which documents are required?
The notification must contain at least information about :
- Name, address and telephone number of the executing company,
- Address of the construction site (location of the work site),
- Type of product (asbestos products and quantities),
- type of activity (activities to be carried out and procedures used),
- Start or duration of activities with asbestos,
- Number of employees handling hazardous materials containing asbestos,
- Name of the competent supervisor (TRGS 519),
- Asbestos approval (GefStoffV Annex I No. 2.4.2 Para. 4, only for weakly bound asbestos products) and
- Operating instructions (§14 GefStoffV).
What are the fees?
No fees are due for the notification of asbestos activities according to Annex I No. 2.4.2 GefStoffV.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The competent authority must be notified at least 7 days before the start of activities involving materials containing asbestos. If the seven-day deadline cannot be met in the case of urgent work, the competent regional inspectorate may agree to a shortening of the deadline.
Processing duration
Processing is carried out in compliance with the seven-day deadline.
Legal basis
Thuringian Ordinance on the Regulation of Responsibilities and the Transfer of Authorizations in the Field of Occupational Health and Safety, § 2, I, 1 Occupational Health and Safety, Hazardous Substances Ordinance:1.10.13 Receipt of Notification on the Handling of Asbestos and Materials Containing Asbestos
- § 8 Paragraph 8 Hazardous Substances Ordinance - GefStoffV
- § 8 Paragraph 8 Hazardous Substances Ordinance in conjunction with Annex I Number 2.4.2 GefStoffV
- Thuringian ordinance regulating responsibilities in the field of occupational health and safety, § 2, I, 1 Occupational health and safety, Ordinance on Hazardous Substances:1.10.13 Receipt of notification of handling asbestos and materials containing asbestos.
Applications / forms
not applicable
- Company-related notification of activities involving materials containing asbestos (TRGS 519, Annex 1.1),
- Supplementary notification of place and time (TRGS 519, Annex 1.2)
- Object-related notification of activities involving materials containing asbestos (TRGS 519, Annex 1.3)
- Sample for the preparation of the risk assessment with work plan (TRGS 519, Annexes 1.4 and 1.5)
- Sample for the operating instructions (TRGS 519, appendices 1.6 and 1.7)
What else should I know?
If you commission subcontractors for ASI work, you are also responsible for ensuring that only approved specialist companies with the necessary personnel and safety equipment are used for the work. Subcontractors (including sole traders without employees) are fully subject to the requirements of TRGS 519.
Company-related notifications are to be sent to the regional inspectorate of Department 6 Occupational Safety of the Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection (TLV) responsible for your place of business.
A copy of the company-related notification must be kept at the workplace.
Supporting institutions
Notifications should be submitted to the regional inspectorate responsible within the scope of your application subject. They can assist you with any questions that arise regarding the application.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection (TLV)
Department 6, Division 61
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)