Apply for falconer hunting license

Service Description

Anyone wishing to hunt with birds of prey (falconry) in Germany must be able to produce a falconry license in his or her name.

The falconer's hunting license is issued by the authority responsible for the applicant's place of residence as an annual hunting license for a maximum of three hunting years (Section 11 (4) of the Federal Hunting Act) or as a day hunting license for fourteen consecutive days according to uniform models.
The falconer hunting license is valid in the entire federal territory (§ 15 para 2 Federal Hunting Act).

The first issuance of a falconer hunting license is dependent on the applicant having passed a falconer examination in addition to the hunter's examination in the area of application of this law (§ 15 para. 7 BJagdG.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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