Market value according to BauGB determination / property value determination

Service Description

The market value (market value) is determined by the price that could be achieved in the ordinary course of business at the time to which the valuation relates, taking into account the legal circumstances and actual characteristics, the other properties and the location of the property or other object of the valuation without taking into account unusual or personal circumstances (Section 194 of the German Building Code).

In compliance with the statutory provisions, the expert committees for property values issue expert opinions on the market value of developed and undeveloped properties and on the market value of rights to properties upon request.

Market value appraisals are also prepared by specially trained, publicly appointed and sworn or certified experts.

Further information can be found under the following link.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

Competent Authority

Thüringer Landesamt für Bodenmanagement und Geoinformation (TLBG) - Geschäftsstelle des Gutachterausschusses für Grundstückswerte für das Gebiet der kreisfreien Stadt Erfurt

Hohenwindenstraße 13a
99086 Erfurt
Opening times

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 12:00

Monday to Thursday: 13:00 - 15:30

and by appointment

Transport connection
Linie 9

Linie 1, 5

52, 55, 56
Parking spaces
Handicapped Parking Place
Number: 1
Fees: no

Parking Place
Number: 12
Fees: no

Building access


Please register via the telephone display in the entrance area.