Service Finder
Recognition of producer groups of agricultural quality products
Service Description
The TLLLR is the competent body for the recognition of producer groups for agricultural quality products according to Article 27 (2) of Regulation (EU) No 1305/2013.
The TLLLR verifies the recognition requirements for recognized producer groups and is responsible for the enforcement of measures in the context of suspension, revocation and withdrawal of recognition.
In addition, it is the body responsible for maintaining the register of agricultural organizations.
Process flow
- Application
- Verification of recognition requirements
- Issuance of notice
- Annual review of recognition requirements
Who should I contact?
Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, Department 41 - Rural Development, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing
Contact information can be found here.
Competent authority
Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, Department 41 - Rural Development, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing
For the recognition as a producer association for agricultural quality products it requires:
- an excerpt from the register or, in the case of associations of persons not capable of being registered, a certified copy of the contract on the foundation or conferral of legal capacity in accordance with § 22 BGB (Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Government) in the case of economic associations,
- a minimum number of five founding members,
- a business concept outlining the expected economic development over the next five years (business plan), and
- proof of the application of a recognized certified quality assurance system according to Art. 16 of Regulation (EU) No. 1305/2013 for the marketed products (control certificate) and
- a stipulation that the membership in the producer association can be terminated at the earliest at the end of the third full business year (one-year notice period).
- The contract concluded between the members obliges the members to offer the products intended for marketing to the producer association in accordance with the established delivery and marketing regulations, as well as to comply with the relevant competition rules pursuant to Art. 206-210 of Regulation (EU) No. 1308/2013,
- the producer association shall, as a beneficiary, meet the conditions for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) set out in Article 2 of Annex 1 to Regulation (EC) No 702/2014, and
- the producer group is not in difficulty according to the Community Guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms.
Which documents are required?
Recognition as a producer association for agricultural quality products can be applied for informally with the signature of all founding members.
In addition to a long-term business plan, which forms the basis of the recognition, the documents required on Agricultural Organizations | Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas ( and the documents listed therein must be submitted.
What are the fees?
The application is free of charge.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Legal basis
Applications / forms
An appeal against the decision may be lodged with the Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas in Jena or one of its branches within one month of notification.
The necessary application documents are available at Agricultural Organizations | Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas (
Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, Department 41 - Rural Development, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian State Office for Agriculture and Rural Areas, Department 41 - Rural Development, Agricultural Economics and Agricultural Marketing
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Competent Authority
Thüringer Landesamt für Landwirtschaft und Ländlichen Raum (TLLLR) - Referat 41 - Ländliche Entwicklung, Agrarökonomie und Marketingförderung
07641 Stadtroda
Remark: Stadtroda branch