Service Finder
Recognition of educational events in accordance with the Thuringian Educational Leave Act (ThürBfG)
Service Description
Since January 1, 2016, employees in Thuringia have been entitled to five days of paid educational leave within a calendar year for a five-day workweek. If employees regularly work fewer than five days, the entitlement is reduced accordingly. Trainees are entitled to three days of educational leave.
As a sponsor of educational events, you can have these recognized in accordance with the Thuringian Educational Leave Act.
Recognition is granted for educational events in the fields of sociopolitical, work-related or volunteer-related education.
Employees in Thuringia are entitled to be released by their employer for up to five days per year for further education. The leave of absence is granted with continued payment of wages. Recognition is a prerequisite for employees to take paid time off.
The time off is granted for participation in recognized educational events in the fields of sociopolitical, work-related or volunteer-related education.
Process flow
- You fill out the application form completely.
- You write a new e-mail to the responsible office.
- Attach the application form and all required evidence as PDF files to this e-mail.
- If the training event has already been recognized in another country or several other countries, attach the proof(s).
- You send this e-mail to the responsible office.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (TMBJS).
Recognizable educational events
- Must be in harmony with the free democratic basic order.
- Must relate in terms of content to areas of sociopolitical, work-related or voluntary education. The registered office of the sponsor must be located in the European Union or another state party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
- The minimum duration of the event is two days with six lessons of 45 minutes each.
- The events must be open to everyone and must be publicly announced.
Educational events within the meaning of the Thuringian Educational Leave Act are not events that serve recreation, entertainment, private housekeeping, physical and health care, athletic, artistic or handicraft activities or the imparting of corresponding knowledge and skills.
Educational events may not have as their sole purpose the practice of psychological or similar skills for private coping with life, preparing for the acquisition of driver's licenses or similar credentials. Study trips may be recognized if they include events of socio-political, work-related or volunteer education
Which documents are required?
You will need the following documents:
- detailed program of the educational event, which should include
- target group,
- learning objectives,
- learning content and
- time schedule
In the case of volunteer-related education events, the acquisition of new knowledge by the participants about socio-political contexts must be concretely recognizable
What are the fees?
There are fees in the amount of 25 up to 150.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines for submitting applications, but it is advisable to submit applications in good time before the educational event is held. Employees should apply for participation in an educational event under the Thuringia Educational Leave Act at least eight weeks in advance.
Processing duration
The Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (TMBJS) decides on applications for recognition after consulting an advisory board composed equally of representatives of employers, employees and educational institutions. This is another reason why the processing time is currently at least two months and does not usually take longer than six months.
Legal basis
Applications / forms
Action before the administrative court within one month. For further information, please refer to the instructions on appealing the decision.
Forms available: Yes
Written form required: No, text form (e-mail) is sufficient.
Informal application possible: No
Personal appearance required: No
Online services available: No
What else should I know?
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
Start your request directly online:
Competent Authority
Thüringer Ministerium für Bildung, Jugend und Sport - Bildungsfreistellung
99096 Erfurt
Postal address
99107 Erfurt
Opening times
Office hours
MO: 08:00 - 12:00
DI: 08:00 - 12:00 o'clock
MI: 14:00 - 17:00 o'clock
DO: 08:00 - 12:00 o'clock
FR: 08:00 - 12:00 o'clock
Parking spaces
Gästeparkplatz des Regierungsviertels
Number: 5
Fees: no
P+R Parkplatz Thüringenhalle
Number: 500
Fees: no