Receive cost coverage for participation in a work trial or clarification of professional aptitude

Service Description

If you are a person with a disability and require benefits to help you participate in working life, the Federal Employment Agency can support you with a range of measures and support services. Which integration services are suitable for you depends, among other things, on

  • whether the services are suitable for you and your specific case in order to increase your chances on the labor market,
  • what your personal inclinations are and how these can be useful in your professional life,
  • what jobs you have done so far and
  • how the labor market is currently developing.

While you are taking part in a vocational aptitude assessment or work trial (diagnostic measure), the Federal Employment Agency will cover your

  • Costs for board and lodging if you have to be temporarily accommodated outside your own or your parents' household,
  • Course costs, costs for examinations or learning materials,
  • travel costs, such as travel, food and accommodation costs for you and, if necessary, for the person accompanying you,
  • costs for domestic help and
  • childcare costs.

You can also continue to receive unemployment benefit during this time. You will only receive transitional allowance if you do not earn any or only a lower salary because you are taking part in these measures.

Your employment agency will decide on a case-by-case basis whether you have to take part in a diagnostic measure.