Registration of non-licensed postal services (inclusion, change and termination)

Service Description

If you provide postal services commercially without requiring a license, you must notify the Federal Network Agency (BNetzA) in writing within one month of starting, changing or ending your operations.

Notifiable activities are

  • Carriage or acceptance/delivery of letters with an individual weight of more than 1,000 grams
  • Carriage or acceptance/delivery of letterboxable consignments of goods
  • Transport or acceptance/delivery of addressed parcels weighing up to 31.5 kilograms
  • Transport or acceptance/delivery of books, catalogs, newspapers or magazines (insofar as this is carried out by companies that also transport letters, letterboxable goods or addressed parcels weighing up to 31.5 kilograms)
  • Carriage or acceptance/delivery of letters with an individual weight of up to 1,000 grams as an agent or vicarious agent (subcontractor) for a licensee
  • Constantly accompanied transportation of letters weighing up to 1,000 grams (courier service in accordance with the Postal Act)

Individual processing steps in the transport chain are also notifiable as parts of the transport chain. This includes, for example, the acceptance or issue of mail items, sorting, forwarding, transportation or delivery.) This may involve a postal service in a branch, a parcel store or similar, or purely transportation services.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6PLus)

Competent Authority

Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen - Referat 314

Tulpenfeld 4
53113 Bonn, Stadt
+49 228 142160
+49 228 146215