Service Finder
Public games of chance (lotteries, draws): Event - Permission
Service Description
Public games of chance (lotteries, draws) may only be organized or brokered with the permission of the competent authority. Organizing and brokering without such permission is prohibited.
For large lotteries, such permits are issued only to state organizers. Permits for small lotteries (lotteries with a lower risk potential) may be granted to other organizers. Thus, a private organizer may also conduct lotteries and raffles (e.g. tombolas), although certain requirements must be met with regard to the content of the event and the person of the organizer.
In particular, a permit to organize a lottery with a low risk potential can only be granted if:
- the net proceeds benefit charitable, church or benevolent purposes,
- the organizer fulfills the requirements of Section 5 (1) No. 9 of the Corporation Tax Act,
- a game plan that complies with the legal requirements has been submitted,
- no economic purposes are pursued with the event.
For local or regional small lotteries, the Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Government has issued a "General Permit for the Organization of Public Lotteries and Raffles in the Free State of Thuringia". The ancillary provisions contained therein must be observed and complied with, as the organization of public games of chance without the permission of the competent authority is prohibited and a violation of this prohibition constitutes a misdemeanor subject to a fine, but can also be punished under criminal law.
Who should I contact?
- The permit must be applied for at the administrative authority (gambling supervision) of the respective county or independent city. This also applies to the notification of a lottery or game of chance that falls under the "General Permit for the Organization of Public Lotteries and Games of Chance in the Free State of Thuringia".
- Insofar as the organization or brokerage of games of chance extends beyond the territory of a district or an independent city, the Thuringian State Administration Office (TLVwA) is the competent licensing authority.
Which documents are required?
For the issuance of a permit for games of chance with a low risk potential, the following documents must be submitted as part of the permit procedure:
- information about the time and place of the event
- proof from the tax office that the revenue will be used for charitable, benevolent or church purposes
- a game plan containing a calculation of the expected costs of the event, the amount of profit, taxes, and net income
- a statement of the use of the net income
What are the fees?
The decisive factor for the calculation of the fee is the amount of the stakes (0.1 per cent of the planned stakes) - a minimum of 10.00 euros and a maximum of 10,000.00 euros.
Further details can be found in the Thuringian administrative cost regulations for the business area of the TMIK.
Legal basis
- State Treaty on Gaming 2021 (GlüStV 2021)
- Thuringian Gaming Act (ThürGlüG)
- General Permit for the Organization of Public Lotteries - Small Lotteries and Raffles in the Free State of Thuringia
- Thuringian Administrative Cost Regulations for the Business Area of the Ministry of the Interior (ThürVwKostOIM)
Applications / forms
An appeal against a negative decision by the authorities can first be lodged with the authority issuing the decision and, if the appeal procedure is unsuccessful, an action can be brought before the competent administrative court.
What else should I know?
Proof of the organizer's non-profit status can be provided by means of a corresponding certificate from the relevant tax office.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry of the Interior and Local Affairs
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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