Census 2022 in Thuringia

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In 2022, a population, building and housing census (Census 2022) will take place in Germany. This statistical survey will determine how many people live, live and work in this country. Many decisions at the federal, state and local levels are based on population and housing figures. For this reason, both European law and federal law make it mandatory to regularly determine reliable basic figures in this regard.

The census essentially provides the following information:

  • Current population figures,
  • Data on demographics, i.e., age, gender or, for example, citizenship of residents, as well as on the educational level and labor force participation of the population,
  • Data on household and family contexts in which people live,
  • data on the housing situation, e.g., the average size of housing, vacancy rates, and rent levels.

This information is used in particular by the federal government, the states and local authorities, but also by a large number of associations and other interest groups, the scientific community and interested members of the public, among others, as a basis for political and economic decisions. They are also indispensable for shaping demographic change. For example, municipalities must be able to plan on the basis of reliable data how many kindergartens, schools, senior residences and social housing units will be needed in the future.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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