Child and youth welfare/ social assistance: Arbitration offices

Service Description

In each Land, an arbitration board is set up at the competent Land authority in accordance with SGB XII and SGB VIII. The arbitration board can be called upon by the negotiating parties to clarify disputed issues in the remuneration agreements for social welfare facilities and child and youth welfare facilities. The arbitration board proceedings are intended to facilitate a speedy resolution of conflicts.

The arbitration boards have the task of deciding on cases of dispute and conflict with regard to

  • Content, scope and quality of the service offerings (service agreement),
  • differentiated fees for the services offered and the investments required for operation (fee agreements), and
  • principles and benchmarks for assessing the quality of the service offerings and on appropriate measures to ensure it (quality development agreement)

to make a decision without delay at the request of one of the parties. This decision may be appealed to the courts.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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