Expert organization for facilities handling substances hazardous to water - apply for recognition

Service Description

According to § 47 of the Ordinance on Installations for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water (AwSV), tests on installations for handling substances hazardous to water must only be carried out by experts.

In order to be able to appoint experts to inspect facilities for handling substances hazardous to water (heating oil storage tanks, filling stations, etc.), to prepare expert reports as part of suitability determinations and to certify or supervise specialized companies on behalf of your expert organization (SVO), you must apply for recognition from the competent authority of the country in which the headquarters of your organization is to be located.The Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation is responsible for the recognition and supervision of SVOs that have their headquarters in Thuringia.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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