Animals: permit for commercial breeding, keeping, trade and other activities

Service Description

You need a permit from the competent authority if you wish to carry out the following activities on a commercial basis:

  • Breeding, keeping of vertebrate animals other than farm animals and game in enclosures
  • Trade with vertebrates
  • Maintenance of a riding and driving operation
  • Displaying animals and making animals available for such purposes
  • Control of vertebrate animals as pests
  • Training dogs for third parties or instructing the training of dogs by animal owners

This permit is also required if you

  • keep animals in an animal shelter or similar institution
  • keep animals in a zoological garden or other institution where animals are kept and exhibited
  • train dogs for third parties for protection purposes, maintain facilities for this purpose
  • bring or import vertebrate animals other than farm animals into the country for the purpose of sale for a fee or other consideration, or arrange for the sale of such animals that are to be or have been brought into the country for a fee or other consideration conduct animal exchanges for the purpose of exchange or sale of animals by third parties
  • keep or breed vertebrates or cephalopods intended to be used in animal experiments or whose organs or tissues are intended to be used for scientific purposes
  • Keep or breed vertebrate animals for the removal of organs and tissues for purposes other than scientific research

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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