Dangerous Substances and Mixtures: Commercial Handling - Permit according to the Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance

Service Description

If you wish to commercially market substances or preparations that must be labeled with the hazard symbols T (toxic) or T+ (very toxic) according to the Hazardous Substances Ordinance, you need a permit from the competent authority.

Permission is granted to anyone who

  • has proven their expertise in accordance with § 5 ChemVerbotsV,
  • has the required reliability and
  • is at least 18 years old.

Companies are granted permission for their facilities and operations if they have employees who meet the aforementioned requirements.
The permit can be limited to individual dangerous substances and preparations or to groups of dangerous substances and preparations. It may be granted subject to conditions. Conditions may also be imposed subsequently.

The following do not require a permit

  • Pharmacies,
  • manufacturers, importers and distributors who supply substances and preparations in accordance with paragraph 1 only to resellers, professional users or public research, testing or teaching institutes.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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