Meat production: approval

Service Description

If you want to carry out meat production, i.e. the slaughter of domestic ungulates, rabbits, poultry or furred game kept in gates with the aim of placing the meat on the market, you need approval from the competent authority.

Require approval:

  • Slaughterhouses,
  • self-slaughtering direct marketers,
  • self-slaughtering butchers/ butcher shops.

An exception to the licensing requirement exists under certain circumstances for self-slaughtering poultry and rabbit farmers.

Approval is granted on application only after at least one on-site inspection by the authorities. It can be granted for a limited period and with conditions. With the approval, your establishment receives an approval number, which is made public.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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