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Driving instructor exam - apply for admission
Service Description
If you would like to take the driving instructor examination, you need approval from the licensing authority to do so. The requirements for admission to the examination can be found in § 8 of the Examination Regulations for Driving Instructors.
The chairman of the examination board determines the place and time of the examinations and teaching tests and invites the applicant.
Who should I contact?
Contact the Thuringian State Administration Office (TLVwA).
Which documents are required?
For the practical driving test and for the specialist knowledge test:
- an informal application for a temporary driving instructor's license,
- a proof that the driving practice and the training have been started.
For the teaching tests:
- an informal application for a permanent driving instructor's license,
- a proof that the driving practice has been completed.
What are the fees?
for the issuance of a temporary driving instructor's license including the issuance of a temporary driving instructor's license: 40.90 Euro (No. 302.1 GebOSt)
for the issuance of a driving instructor's license including the issuance of a driving instructor's license: 40.90 Euro (No. 303.1 GebOSt)
Examination fees (No. 301.1-301.3 GebOSt)
Class BE: 1237.37 Euro plus expenses (including driving tests)
Class A: 672,98 Euro plus expenses
Classes CE and DE: 735.48 Euro each plus expenses
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The practical driving examination of an applicant for the driving instructor license of the class BE shall be conducted in the second or third month of the training.
As a rule, the practical examination shall be conducted as soon as possible after the completion of the training at the driving instructor training school.
The teaching tests shall be conducted in each case within one month after completion of the training at the training driving school.
Legal basis
Separate applications must be submitted for the granting/extension of a driving instructor's license and for taking the examination.
- Application for issuance/extension of the driving instructor's license with the corresponding form (available from the Thuringian State Administration Office).
- Application for taking the examination: informal
What else should I know?
If the test has to be repeated, no new approval by the responsible licensing authority is required.
If the approval for any repeat tests was not granted with the initial approval, a new approval is required!
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian State Administration Office
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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