Service Finder
Applying for a driving instructor license for holders of a certificate of competence from another country
Service Description
If you are a (EU) foreign national who has acquired a license to train learner drivers in another European country, a corresponding German driving instructor license can be issued under simplified conditions.
Who should I contact?
Thuringian State Administration Office
Department 520, Driving School Matters
Please send applications exclusively by e-mail to:
Which documents are required?
For the recognition procedure, the following documents must be submitted in the original and in a certified translation (see Section 5 (2) FahrlG):
- Proof of identity (officially certified identity card/passport, if not presented in person),
- an officially certified copy of the certificate of competence or the training certificate entitling the holder to take up the profession of driving instructor in the issuing state,
- a certificate comparable to the certificate of good conduct pursuant to Section 30a (1) no. 1 of the Federal Central Register Act (Bundeszentralregistergesetz) from the state in which the certificate of competence or training or the professional experience was acquired (not older than three months on presentation),
- official proof from the state in which the certificate of training or qualification or professional experience was acquired that there is no case in which the exercise of the profession would be prohibited due to a lack of mental or physical aptitude within the meaning of Section 3 (6) in conjunction with Section 2 (1) sentence 1 number 2 FahrlG (not older than three months on presentation) and
- a certificate stating that the driving instructor's activity has been exercised for at least two years within the last ten years prior to the issue of the certificate
In addition, the applicant must have the necessary knowledge of the German language to work as a driving instructor (the language level must correspond to competence level C1).
Furthermore, additional documents may be requested in the event of significant deviations in the training and examination. These are in particular documents relating to training, examination and professional experience. If significant deviations are identified, an adaptation period of no more than three years or an aptitude test may be required as part of the recognition procedure.
What are the fees?
The costs for notarizations, translations and issuing the documents to be submitted are to be borne by the applicant. Further costs are incurred in accordance with the scale of fees for road traffic measures:
40.90 euros for issuing the driving instructor's license
for issuing the driving instructor's license in the amount of 102 euros for natural persons and 153 euros for legal entities and partnerships
additional costs may be incurred in the recognition and issuing procedure for further evidence and measures as well as further checks of the requirements for the decision.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
There are no deadlines to be observed.
The application must be made in writing, but can also be submitted informally using the application form.
What else should I know?
Personal consultation with the Thuringian State Administration Office is recommended before submitting an application.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Technically approved by
Thuringian Ministry for Infrastructure and Agriculture
Thuringian State Administration Office
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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