Service Finder
Conciliation body for competition disputes
Service Description
On the basis of Section 15 of the Act against Unfair Competition (UWG) and the Thuringian Ordinance on Conciliation Boards under the Act against Unfair Competition (ThürEinigstVO), conciliation boards have been set up at the chambers of industry and commerce to settle disputes under competition law.
With the help of the conciliation boards, disputes under competition law are to be settled amicably. In particular, claims for removal and injunctive relief as well as claims for damages and reimbursement of costs can be considered.
In addition, claims for injunctive relief due to practices contrary to consumer protection in accordance with Section 2 of the German Act on Injunctions (Unterlassungsklagengesetz - UKlaG) can be asserted before the conciliation boards.
Companies, associations with legal capacity for the promotion of commercial or independent professional interests (e.g. competition associations), qualified institutions for the protection of consumer interests (e.g. consumer advice centers) as well as chambers of industry and commerce and chambers of crafts are eligible to apply.
Who should I contact?
Applicants (including craft businesses) should contact the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce at the company's headquarters.
Which documents are required?
The application to conduct conciliation proceedings should be submitted in writing to the local Chamber of Industry and Commerce with a brief statement of reasons. The application can also be submitted in person to the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for the record. Any evidence that serves to substantiate the application must be included.
What are the fees?
No fees are charged for the proceedings before the conciliation committee. In this respect, each party generally only bears its own costs.
Legal basis
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Technically approved by
East Thuringia Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Gera
Professionally released on
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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