Service Finder
Recognize qualified person for operational safety
Service Description
If a device, protective system or safety, monitoring or control device has been repaired with regard to a part on which explosion protection depends, it may be put into operation after an approved inspection body or a qualified person from a company that carried out the repair has performed a test.
The competent person must be recognized by the competent authority.
Process flow
- Submit the documents online (with the exception of the expert opinion).
- The accreditation authority will carry out an inspection of the plant and the test workplace and determine the scope of the expert opinion.
- You, as the operator, commission an expert.
- Submit the expert opinion to the recognition authority.
- You will receive a notice of recognition or rejection.
Who should I contact?
The Thuringian State Office for Consumer Protection (TLV) or the Thuringian State Mining Office (TLBA) is responsible for the recognition of a qualified person of a company.
- Completed technical vocational training or proof of other technical. Qualification of the person to be recognized, who is qualified for the intended testing task.
- Practical experience of the person to be recognized with comparable work equipment over an appropriate period of time, so that the assigned testing task is reliably performed.
- Activity of the person to be recognized in the environment of the upcoming test of the work equipment to be tested as well as appropriate further training.
- Expert opinion on the qualification of the person to be recognized as well as on the equipment and quality assurance of the company.
- Proof of the regular need for such tests.
Which documents are required?
Details of the applicant
- Address of the operating facility or operating department in which the person recognized by the authority as qualified to perform the examination is to work.
- Information on the contact person for queries
- Testing tasks and scope for which recognition is requested
- Proof of the need for testing and specification of the equipment to be tested, the protective systems, safety, monitoring and control devices to be tested after repair
- Declaration of the applicant on the freedom from instructions of the person qualified for testing
- if available, certification certificate for a quality assurance system or information on the quality assurance procedure
Details of the qualified person
- First name and surname
- Date and place of birth,
- Occupation
- Private address of the applicant
- Copy of the employment contract between the applicant and the person qualified for the examination
- Curriculum vitae of the applicant with details of his professional career and professional practice up to the date of application, as well as copies of certificates of previous employment
- copies of the certificate of skilled work, master craftsman's certificate and diploma, diploma certificate and diploma or comparable qualification certificates
- Copies of certificates of participation in training courses, relevant exchanges of experience
- Police clearance certificate, document type 0
- Declaration by the person qualified to perform the examination that he/she is free to issue instructions.
Expert statement by an expert:
After the scope of the examination has been defined by the recognition authority, the applicant commissions an expert to issue an expert opinion. This statement relates to the technical and organizational requirements of the company and the examination of the personal suitability of the applicant and his skills and knowledge of the legal standards in question for the relevant testing work. If the applicant has been accredited as a testing laboratory or inspection body according to standards of the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17000 series, the scope of the expert statement and, if applicable, the sample test shall be coordinated with this.
Written confirmation from the insurer of an existing liability insurance policy in the amount of 2.5 million Euro for the activity of the recognized person qualified for testing according to the declaration of exemption.
What are the fees?
Fees and expenses apply.
Processing duration
The processing time is two weeks after receipt of the expert opinion .
Legal basis
Applications / forms
You will find information on the appeal in your notice.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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