Service Finder
Register training contract
Service Description
This directory is maintained by the bodies responsible for training (e.g. Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Chamber of Crafts). It contains all recognized training occupations and records all essential contents of the vocational training contract.
Once the contractual partners have concluded the contract, you, as the company, submit an application for registration to the regionally responsible body. The competent office checks the legality of the contract and then confirms the registration of the vocational training relationship.
The vocational training contract must contain certain minimum information for this purpose.
- Names and addresses of the contractual partners
- Objective of the training, as well as factual and temporal structure of the training
- Start and duration of the training
- Duration of the probationary period (minimum one month and maximum four months)
- Location of the training
- Training measures outside the company
- Payment and amount of training allowance
- Duration of regular working hours
- Duration of vacation
- Conditions under which the contract can be terminated
- Other agreements
- Signatures of all contracting parties
When registering the training relationship, a shorter training period can be agreed if prior vocational training such as vocational school or a basic vocational training year has been completed. The exact regulations on this depend on your federal state and can be obtained from the relevant office.
If the trainee is not yet of age when the contract is concluded, the consent of the legal representative must be obtained before the contract can be concluded. In principle, both parents are authorized to represent the trainee jointly, in exceptional cases one parent or a guardian.
Process flow
Once the training contract has been concluded, you as the training company must have it registered.
- You send the application for registration, including all the necessary documents, to the competent office.
- The competent body checks all the information and then issues a confirmation of registration for both parties to the contract.
- After signing the vocational training contract and registering it with the competent office, you as the company providing the training must immediately hand out a copy to the trainee and his or her legal representative
If there are any changes to the contract during the training, you must notify them immediately.
Who should I contact?
Please contact the responsible chamber of commerce and industry.
- Registration in the directory requires that the vocational training contract complies with the Vocational Training Act and the training regulations.
- Training can only be provided in recognized training occupations. The exact designation of the training occupation is entered, if necessary with specialization.
- The training personnel and the training facility must be personally and professionally suitable.
- If prior vocational training is credited: prior vocational training recognized in the respective federal state.
- For minors: According to the Youth Employment Protection Act, a young person may only be employed if he or she has been examined by a doctor within the last 14 months and the trainer has a certificate issued by this doctor.
Which documents are required?
- A copy of the contract record or a copy of it
- A complete factual and chronological outline in accordance with the training regulations
- In the case of a shortened training period: copies of the relevant documents (e.g. school reports)
- For trainees who are not yet of age at the beginning of the training: Copy of the medical certificate of the initial examination.
What are the fees?
The registration is subject to a fee for the training company, not for the trainee. The registration fee is based on the respective valid fee tariff of the IHK.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
The notification must be made immediately after the conclusion of the contract, but at the latest before the start of the vocational training.
Processing duration
If the documents are complete, the contracting parties will receive confirmation of registration within four weeks.
Applications / forms
- Appeal
- Detailed information on how to file an appeal can be found in the decision on your application.
- Administrative court action
- Forms: Application for registration
- Online procedure possible: no
- Written form required: yes
- Personal appearance required: no
The regionally responsible office will provide you with all forms as downloads on the website or will support you in using online procedures.
As a basis for the contracts, the IHKs offer forms in various formats - Word, PDF and an online version.
If the contract has been dissolved again, the company must arrange for the cancellation of the contract at the IHK. A form for this is also available on the Internet from most CCIs.
The text was automatically translated based on the German content.
Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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