Chamber of Architects - Right to use protected professional titles by external service providers

Service Description

If you do not have your main residence, a professional establishment or the place of your predominant professional activity in Germany and are moving to Thuringia to provide temporary or occasional services in the field of architecture, interior design, landscape architecture or urban planning (external service providers), you must notify the Thuringian Chamber of Architects in writing in advance of your first activity in Thuringia.

In order to be entitled to use the protected professional titles "architect", "interior architect", "landscape architect" or "urban planner", including combinations thereof, or similar professional titles, you must be entered in the special register for non-residents. The registration committee of the Chamber of Architects decides on registration.

Upon application, you will be issued with a certificate of registration for a limited period of one year, which states that you are entitled to use the protected professional title.

Registration does not constitute membership of the Thuringian Chamber of Architects, a pension fund or any other institution.

However, you are obliged to observe the professional duties (§ 32 ThürAIKG).

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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