Service Finder
Dismantling measurement
Service Description
The division survey (division) is a cadastral process (real estate survey) to create several parcels from one parcel. It is a prerequisite for the division of a property under land register law.
A special form of the formation of several parcels from one parcel is a separation, in which this is done - in contrast to the classic division - without local surveying work (e.g. time saving). Whether a separation is possible depends on various factors, which the contact persons in the relevant surveying offices will be happy to check before applying for the service.
Further information on separations can be found on the website of the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG), see the link below:
Process flow
The procedure is divided into the following main steps:
1. application
2. examination of the documents (including authorization to apply)
3. preparation of the surveying service
- If applicable, cost decision for the preparation by the land registry department
4. Local surveying services:
a) Restoration of the (required) existing parcel boundaries
b) Determination of the course of the new parcel boundary
c) If necessary, marking of the old and new boundary points (on request)
5. hearing of the parties involved in the procedure (e.g. owners of the affected parcels) and recording of the boundary record with sketch
6. notification of the administrative act to the parties involved by written notice or by publication
7. cost decision of the surveying office, if applicable, for the preparation and surveying services
8. transfer of the surveying results to the real estate cadastre after expiry of the appeal periods
9. the owners of the parcel affected by the continuation receive an extract from the continuation certificate (FN)
10. cost decision of the cadastral area for the takeover of the real estate survey
Who should I contact?
Dissection surveys for e.g. private applicants, municipal bodies and federal administration bodies are carried out exclusively by publicly appointed surveyors (ÖbVI) licensed for the territory of the Free State of Thuringia, who are also available to provide advice. An overview of public surveyors can be found below under "Additional contact directories for download" (-> PDF "Directory of publicly appointed surveyors in Thuringia"):
Further information can also be obtained from the contact persons in the respective cadastral areas of the Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG). This is also where dissection surveys are carried out for the direct state administration and the state forestry office.
Which documents are required?
The following is required to process the application:
- > Identification of the applicant (personal document)
- Details of the parcel concerned (district, parcel, parcel number, postal address if applicable)
- > In the event that the applicant is not also the party liable for the costs, an informal (non-formal) confirmation of assumption of the costs
- > Consent of the owner if he is not the applicant himself
What are the fees?
The costs (fees) for carrying out a survey are based on the schedule of costs for the Thuringian administrative cost regulations for official surveying (ThürVwKostOVerm) - subject matter: fees for preparation, for surveying services and for acceptance - as amended. The amount of the fee depends, among other things, on the size of the surveyed area, the standard land value per m², the number of parcels to be surveyed and the number of boundary points to be marked, if required. In the special case of the possible implementation of a special division, the fee amount is lower in comparison.
What deadlines do I have to pay attention to?
Processing duration
The processing time depends on the scope of the benefit applied for, whereby the time required for processing a special case is less; more precise information can be obtained from the relevant authorities.
Applications / forms
Yes, since an administrative act is issued, a legal remedy is possible within a certain period of time.
What else should I know?
In contrast to the dissection (dissection survey), several directly adjacent parcels that form a single economic and ownership unit can be merged into one parcel. The application for the merging of parcels of land must be submitted to the responsible cadastral area of the TLBG or a public land surveyor; the service is free of charge.
Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG)
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Thuringian State Office for Land Management and Geoinformation (TLBG)
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Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)
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