Civil servant training in the higher non-technical service

Service Description

The Senior Civil Service in the State Administration of the Free State of Thuringia

A large number of tasks in local government as well as in the state general administration are performed by civil servants in the higher service. The factual and legal knowledge acquired during their training enables them to apply laws, ordinances and administrative regulations correctly and sensibly in order to fulfill their public duties. The thorough specialist knowledge acquired during the course of study and its methodical and independent application form the prerequisite for making factually and legally correct decisions.

Those who can be employed in the preparatory service are:

  • Is German or German national within the meaning of Article 116 of the Basic Law, has the nationality of another EU member state or fulfills another requirement pursuant to Section 7 of the Civil Servant Status Act;
  • offers the guarantee of standing up for the free democratic basic order at all times;
  • appears suitable for the career in terms of character, mental and physical aptitude;
  • possesses the entrance qualification for a university of applied sciences or another school-leaving qualification entitling the holder to study at a university, or provides evidence of an educational level recognized as equivalent, and has not yet reached the age of 32 at the time of recruitment;
  • Severely disabled persons may be hired up to a maximum age of 40.
  • Similarly, for applicants who have children under the age of 18 in their domestic community and for this reason have refrained from applying in time, the hiring age is increased by three years per child, up to a maximum age of 40.
  • These age limits do not apply to applicants through the preregistration office.

The preparatory service

After successful completion of a selection procedure, applicants selected for recruitment to the preparatory service are appointed as civil servants (Regierungsinspektoranwärter). The preparatory service lasts three years and begins on October 1 of each year. The dual training is divided into theoretical and practical sections, which alternate.

The theoretical training takes place at the Thüringer Verwaltungsfachhochschule in Gotha. It covers a period of 21 months and is divided into 3 study sections

  • Basic studies with intermediate examination: 7.5 months
  • Main study with beginning of the diploma thesis: 7.5 months
  • final studies with written career examination: 6 months

and into the following specializations:

1. study group "Law

  • Fundamentals of law and the application of law including legal methodology
  • political science, constitutional and constitutional law
  • European law
  • General administrative law, administrative procedural law including administrative procedural law
  • Private Law
  • Local law
  • Law of the public service
  • Police and public order law, building law, environmental law
  • Youth and social law
  • Citizenship, civil status and aliens law

2. subject group "economics and finance

  • Economics
  • business administration
  • public finance

3. study group "Administrative and Social Sciences

  • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Administration
  • psychology, communication and behavioral training
  • Political science, sociology

For further information on the course of study and its content, please visit the website of the Thuringian University of Applied Administrative Sciences.

The practical training lasts a total of 15 months and is divided into four internship sections in different areas of the state administration of the Free State of Thuringia.

The career examination consists of a thesis and an examination with written and oral parts. After passing the career examination, you are entitled to use the professional title "Diplom-Verwaltungswirt/-in (FH)".

Candidate and official remuneration, accommodation

The basic amount of the candidate's salary is currently approx. 1,000 euros per month. If you are married and/or have children, you will receive appropriate supplements.

During the theoretical training at the Thüringer Verwaltungsfachhochschule Gotha, you can live in the dormitory there and participate in the catering. These costs are borne by the Free State of Thuringia for civil servant candidates of the state.

Employment after the training

The civil service relationship ends with the successful completion of the career examination. There is no entitlement to employment after training. If you complete your studies with good results, you have a good chance of being appointed as a government inspector and thus becoming a probationary civil servant.

Application, recruitment
Training positions are advertised annually in the last quarter.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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