Apply for care in a day care center

Service Description

Education in an institution over day and night or in another assisted living form is intended to promote children and adolescents in their development.

This is a type of benefit of the assistance for upbringing. It may also be a suitable service for young people in accordance with §41 SGB VIII.

The type of care depends on the age and stage of development of the child or adolescent. In the many different forms of residential care, specialists look after your child with pedagogical and therapeutic offers.

Home education or other forms of assisted living are forms of help for upbringing. Depending on the situation, the help is intended to:

  • achieve a return to the family,
  • prepare for upbringing in another family
  • provide a form of living for a longer period of time.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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