Take advantage of advice on the obligation to pay artists' social security contributions at information events

Service Description

The Künstlersozialkasse must inform and advise you as a company or exploiter about your rights and obligations if you are potentially or actually obliged to pay artists' social security contributions. As a rule, your company is obliged to pay contributions if it exploits artistic or journalistic works or services, for example as a

  • publishing house
  • press agency
  • theater
  • orchestra or
  • radio and television broadcaster.

Under the artists' social insurance scheme, self-employed artists and publishers only have to pay half of their contributions themselves. The other half is financed by a federal subsidy and the artists' social security contribution from companies and exploiters. In order to provide you with comprehensive information on all aspects of artists' social insurance and the artists' social levy, the Künstlersozialkasse regularly organizes

  • lectures
  • seminars and
  • web seminars.

As a rule, the lectures and seminars take place on site at your company or at an organizing organization - for example, an association or a working group. The events must be requested from the Künstlersozialkasse by you or the organizations and are organized in cooperation with you or the organizations.

You can take part in the web seminars online from anywhere with Internet access.

An on-site information event normally lasts 2 hours. You need to allow about one hour for a web seminar.

The information service is only aimed at groups. The Künstlersozialkasse does not offer individual consultations in this format.

Source: Zuständigkeitsfinder Thüringen (Linie6Plus)

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